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Friday, July 02, 2004

Tomorrow is the first of the "summer of events" in LA.

Traditionally these are held on L. Ron Hubbard Way, which is home to the Church of Scientology Los Angeles (also known by Scientologists as LA Day and LA Foundation - the local church that serves the Los Angeles community in the daytime hours and the Foundation being the church that serves its community at night and over the weekend - Scientology churches are open 7 days a week, 365 days a year, and from 9 AM to 10 PM most days although some churches take Saturday and Sunday evenings off.)

I look forward to these events as we get briefed on the latest Scientology news by Chairman of the Board of the Religious Technology Center, Mr. David Miscavige.

In addition to the summer of events, (which is actually videos of a series of events held aboard the Freewinds in the Caribbean), Mr. Miscavige often MCs other International events at which he briefs Scientologists on the church's expansion news and what we are accomplishing in our social programs.

Here are some links to other events like this:

David Miscavige - 15. Jahrestag der International Association of Scientologists - IAS
David Miscavige: Internationale Vereinigung der Scientologen feierte 14. Jahrestag ihres Bestehens
Retrouvez David Miscavige et John Travolta dans la rue L. Ron Hubbard
David Miscavige: l'anniversaire de Ron Hubbard
la rue Ron Hubbard
Gli scientologist Festeggiano - Diritti Dell'uomo
Dianetics: 46 Anni Di Miracoli - Diritti Dell'uomo
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