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Monday, March 22, 2004

I happened across the web site of a Scientologist today: Rod's Place! - Rod Jenkins, Clearwater, FL I also found his blog (linked to from his home page): A day in the life of a writer

One thing he wrote really struck a chord with me. When I first realized what I'd found in Scientology my reaction was so much like his. Here's what he says:

"Some months previous [to finding out about Scientology], I had made a list of what I knew to be true, based on my own experience -- not based on what our society considered to be possible or realistic, but my own actual experience. Such abilities were on that list. But I had little control over them, and no understanding of why they existed or how they were related to each other. Suddenly, Scientology’s concept of each of us as a spiritual being with infinite potential made enormous sense! With a crash and thunder (figuratively), suddenly all these things I knew to be true became integrated as a basic understanding of the nature of life. They all made sense when aligned against this simple concept of myself as a purely spiritual being!

"I felt, for the first time in my life, like I had found home - a place where people understood what I already knew to be true and where I could actually pursue my quest!"

You can read the whole story here: My Journey

Useful Links about Scientology

Sometimes Scientologists explain things in life with terminology that is unique to Scientology. I myself try not to do this with people who haven't studied the subject, but sometimes there really isn't an English language term that is as appropriate or which means exactly the same as the Scientology term. There is an excellent glossary on the subject, which you can find here: The Official Scientology and Dianetics Glossary

I find it interesting to read what people who are not Scientologists have to say about the Scientology religion.

There's a Christian pastor who is a Doctor of Philosophy who wrote a concise summary of information about Scientology, which I think is pretty accurate. Here it is: Scientology

A site I page I just found the other day is on a site I visit from time to time. The site is the The Foundation for Religious Freedom and the page on Church of Scientology is quite good.

Here is some information on the Chairman of the Board of Religious Technology Center, known as RTC. This is the organizations that maintains the purety of L. Ron Hubbard's technical application in Scientology churches around the world.
in Danish David Miscavige bestyrelsesformand Religious Technology Center
German David Miscavige - Einweihungszeremonie für die Gründungskirche der Church of Scientology Washichton DC
Dutch David Miscavige Voorzitter van de Raad Religious Technology Center
French David Miscavige, Président du conseil de direction du Religious Technology Center
and Hungarian David Miscavige, a Religious Technology Center Vezetőtestületének Elnöke.

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